Audio streaming playlist:

Survivors of December 22th 2012 last comments:

"... Fuck, I haven't got the presents for after tomorrow ! ..."

"... Hmmm, have you got anything planed for New Year's Eye? ..."

"... Bon les gars avec les pluies de météorites on va opter pour la stratégie partouze: dès qu'on voit un trou, on le bouche! ..."

"... Have you told the kids Santa Klaus isn't coming? ..."

"... Damn, I thought this would be my last day at work! ..."

"... Et sinon les Tem's de Jev' ils donnaient quelle date eux? ..."

v/a: "La Poca Lips, Survivors 12/22 compilation"

v/a: La Poca Lips - survivors twelve twenty two compilation

If your read these lines, you're still alive! Congrats, you have survived to the December 21st 2012's end of the world.... or maybe it is a tragic day for you because you had plannified to exit from the Earth in a spaceship with funny cool aliens in quest for a better place to live in the galaxy?...
Or you are too disappointed because the human race is still alive!

So, enjoy your day with this free compilation full of artists out from the Stars Academy, and happy new day on Earth.


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